Food exporters registered number search

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GACC No. 105 Announcement state that the Former 11-digits exporter registration number will be abolished on 5 September 2024,
All exporter follow the application steps to complete the update and obtain a new 18-digit certificate.
If your exporter registration number is still 11 digits, please follow the application steps on this page to complete the update and obtain a new 18-digit certificate.

Registration No Company Name Types Business Country Valid until Update to 18-digits
YA110000PDY09YDG75 TOP TRADE IMPORT E EXPORT LTDA GACC-E (Exporter ) Food Brazil 2025/9/18 Update now
YA110000PDY09TQG6K POINTUP COMERCIO ATACADISTA DE ALIMENTOS LTDA GACC-E (Exporter ) Food Brazil 2025/9/16 Update now
YA110000PDY09AL281 Denfeld Packing Co Inc GACC-E (Exporter ) Food United States 2025/9/09 Update now
YA110000PDY094941K Wave Function Trading LTDA GACC-E (Exporter ) Food Brazil 2025/9/05 Update now
YA110000PDY08NQT0N ACQUA TRADING EXPORTACAO AGROPECUARIA LTDA GACC-E (Exporter ) Food Brazil 2025/9/19 Update now
YA110000PDY07X51XM GLOBAL HOLDING INTERNATIONAL LTDA GACC-E (Exporter ) Food Brazil 2025/9/10 Update now
YA110000PDY06K1PXM McCormick Distilling International Limited GACC-E (Exporter ) Food Ireland 2025/9/18 Update now
YA110000PDY05WH04L Kairos Link Pte Ltd GACC-E (Exporter ) Food Singapore 2025/9/09 Update now
YA110000PDY05MR51B BALAJI CASHEW AND AGRI EXIM GACC-E (Exporter ) Food India 2025/8/22 Update now
YA110000PDY05GFWXW ARO TTI BRASIL AGRO BUSINESS EIRELI GACC-E (Exporter ) Food Brazil 2025/9/11 Update now
YA110000PDY057RR0P MUJDA CONVENIENCE LLC GACC-E (Exporter ) Food United States 2025/8/15 Update now
YA110000PDY0544J0K Inova do Brasil Comercio Exterior Ltda GACC-E (Exporter ) Food Brazil 2025/9/18 Update now
YA110000PDY04WUJ7H BAROMMAKRU TRADING CO.,LTD. GACC-E (Exporter ) Food Thailand 2025/9/10 Update now
YA110000PDY04KAD8X BCM GLOBAL TRADER INC GACC-E (Exporter ) Food Canada 2025/9/15 Update now
YA110000PDY03KML4F PT VARION SUKSES MAKMUR GACC-E (Exporter ) Food Indonesia 2025/9/20 Update now
YA110000PDY03BC12Q LN TRADING TERMINAIS DE CARGAS DO BRASIL LTDA GACC-E (Exporter ) Food Brazil 2025/9/07 Update now
YA110000PDY032BK74 G&G SOLUTIONS OU GACC-E (Exporter ) Food Estonia 2025/9/10 Update now
YA110000PDY0324U4B Pynx B.V. GACC-E (Exporter ) Food Netherlands 2025/9/18 Update now
YA110000PDY02WGCXH Golden Crown Foods Inc GACC-E (Exporter ) Food Canada 2025/9/18 Update now
YA110000PDY02NWY7Q Blisswater Industries Private Limited GACC-E (Exporter ) Food India 2025/9/10 Update now
YA110000PDY01NA03F RIE Royal Import Export di Daniele Chiappa GACC-E (Exporter ) Food Italy 2025/9/20 Update now
YA110000PDY01GRN0N Organic Life Comercio e Exportacao Ltda GACC-E (Exporter ) Food Brazil 2025/9/07 Update now
YA110000PDY01G3695 AGRIDERIA INDUSTRIAL LLC GACC-E (Exporter ) Food United States 2025/9/16 Update now
US6042-9 California Family Foods GACC-E (Exporter ) Food United States 2024/9/5 Update now

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Note: Certificates and/or Registration No, which are expired or suspended, are not listed.
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